BI for Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations
There is no 'turn key' solution for business intelligence needs, especially in a rapidly evolving landscape, inbuilt reports are simply unable to give the level of insight your business requires to thrive.
The PrecisionPoint solution for MS Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations is a platform for deep data-driven insights across your Dynamics data landscape, all powered by an intelligent data warehouse that has been proven over many years and hundreds of diverse data sets. With a rapid start program to maximise return on investment, many implementations are ready to go within weeks.
Our MS Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations solution is built on the patented PrecisionPoint integration, delivering a single data source to your business, customisable, scalable and extendable with data from other corporate systems. Proven market-leading accuracy for trend analysis, forensic financial analysis and complex cross-ledger reporting.
The journey to BI
is as important as the result
Only 37% of Dynamics customers say that their needs have been met by their BI project. We’re on a mission to change this statistic.
This infographic explains the importance of Business Intelligence for Finance and Operations, how Governance is a vital step in your BI journey, and how we can help!

In addition to our intelligent data warehouse, we have developed a range of tools to manipulate or extend the data within the reporting layer.
Incorporate other data sources
External data module
An application to allow the import of data from Excel files or SQL – For example importing transactional data from an external system such as SAP, Oracle, CRM etc. or loading from Excel-based budget data.
Adding Data "Structure"
Grouping tool
A method of adding hierarchy structure where there is none within the source data – For example, if you have 50 companies in Dynamics, but need to report on 5 groups of 10 companies, you can add a ‘grouping’ around each set of 10 as required, then just select the data at the prescribed ‘group’ level.
Empowering your users
Without a single integrated view across the business, a single version of the truth, it is common for different functions in a business to see different numbers as being accurate. Our data warehouse can be that single trusted source.
Allow users access to their own data through secure permission-based controls, and to view through their tool of choice – powerful PowerBI dashboards for presentation or management by exception – Excel for deep financial analysis. Or use any front-end BI tool that is compatible with SQL.
Automate key financial reports
Our core solution integrates all sub-ledgers with a financial impact on the business, with the ability to drill to detail and to slice and dice data by any dimension. From day 1 you can be looking at profitability by product, sales area or country, all in relation to budgets if needed, and comparing to prior periods.
We also speed up key financial processes that can occupy valuable resources for hours, days or weeks with the help of simple out-of-the-box extensions…
If you have more than one Dynamics implementation, we can consolidate that into a single warehouse. We can also consolidate data from multiple other ERP solutions into your core Dynamics system for reporting purposes.
Month-end application
A simple desktop app that initiates a sub-5-minute background task to see the impact of those recently added journals.
Common Currency
A module for International businesses that need to handle multiple transactions and reporting currencies.
Why do D365
users choose PrecisionPoint?
Consolidation of reporting in global organizations
In International or acquisitive businesses, ERP solutions often proliferate into multiple instances and vendor solutions, requiring standardisation of group, entity and currency reporting.
Trusting the numbers
A simple fact but one which likely overrides all others in a BI solution. Trusting the number you see on a global level is vital in ensuring the success of any organisation's BI project.
Historical data from legacy & Dynamics system
Comparisons from year to year, season to season are needed for key decisions and with only a few months of transactional data since your ERP went live, historical analysis is hard to do cost effectively.
Enabling true Self-service
Users increasingly expect to build reports for themselves, benefits include productivity and avoiding delay. The proliferation of self-service can quickly become the bane of IT.
A well-governed data warehouse makes users more self-sufficient and removes the strain from IT and finance.
Combining different data sources
Whilst Dynamics may be your core system, key data can be held elsewhere - whether on CRM, other vendor ERP systems, LMS, PLM, Customer Service etc.
Precisionpoint solutions help many customers to centralise and consolidate this critical business data.